About Me

I’m a recent graduate of Boston University with a BA in Advertising and Concentration in Philosophy. Learn more about me in the FAQs below!


(352) 870-4678


Alright, maybe these aren’t “frequently asked” per se. But they’ll answer any questions you may have about me.

  • I’ve always been an avid writer. I wrote a full-length self-published novel at 11 years old. My goal has always been to write a second book now that I’ve had a decade to polish my ideas and writing, but since then I have also discovered the world of advertising.

    To my surprise, there was a career that existed at the intersection of my two loves: writing and advertising. Since having this revelation during my first-ever advertising class at 14 years old, I’ve never looked back.

  • I have recently graduated from Boston University with a BA in Advertising and Concentration in Philosophy. Now, I work as a dialect coach at American Accent Training.

    While at first glance it may seem random relative to my dream career of copywriting, it really isn’t. I love language and everything that it entails. Both copywriting and linguistics deal with the manipulation and appreciation of language, and acknowledge its impact on the world.

    As much as I love being able to help others achieve their ideal dialect and improve their communication, the creativity that copywriting requires will always win me over.

  • Hi! I’m Abigail, and I’m a recent graduate of Boston University. I’ve always had a deep-seated love for writing – in fact, when I was 11 years old, I made it my life’s mission to publish a New York Times bestselling novel.

    Yeah, it went exactly the way you’re thinking.

    I was never a particularly focused child, but I happily spent a year and a half writing a 200-page book by hand. And boy, did I think I had a masterpiece on my hands. My mom insisted that self-publishing would be “easier,” which I later realized was an attempt to save me from the heartbreak of learning that my book was… well, clearly written by an 11 year old.

    It’s still up on Amazon. I’ve earned a whole $20 in royalties the last 10 years (thank you grandma!) That book was my first big failure, but I never gave up on writing. In fact, I’ve worked long and hard to become someone worthy of being published – only now, I prefer billboards to bestsellers.

  • Since I don’t know who is reading this at any given time, I don’t know! Not everyone is a good match. However, if you are looking for someone who has loved the art of writing since before they were even able to write, then I’m the person for you.

    Everyone says they’re “passionate” about advertising, copywriting, or whatever it may be. That phrase is almost meaningless now. So let me paint a picture for you instead:

    When I was in pre-school, I would throw full tantrums when I wasn’t able to write something correctly. I’d ask my mother over and over how to spell whatever it was I was attempting to write down.

    “With an ‘I,” she’d say. “It’s the one with a long line and a dot over it.”

    Even with her helpful instruction, it wasn't enough for me. I couldn't wait for the day when I would be able to write anything and everything I wanted without assistance. After throwing many tantrums (which my mother still reminds me of 20 years later) and putting in lots of practice, I finally reached that day. Since then, my unwavering, all-encompassing love for writing and language has remained just as fierce as it was when I was only 4 years old.

    So, yeah. You could say I’m “passionate” about copywriting.

  • If you've reviewed my work and enjoyed it — good taste, by the way — please contact me via email or the message form below.